Who killed the Iceman? Mystery

 The Iceman on display at the South Tyrol Museum of Archaeology in Bolzano (South Tyrol, Italy) is one of the world’s best-known and most important mummies. Scientists named him "Ötzi " Because he was found in the Ötztal Alps.  On a sunny day two hikers were walking in the Ötztal Alps. As they walked past a rocky gully filled with meltwater, they noticed something brown on the gully bed. At first they thought it must be some sort of rubbish, but on closer inspection they realized with horror that they had discovered a human corpse. The story of a 20th century archaeological sensation was about to unfold.

The House on Mango Street.

By Sandra Cisneros - such a talented Mexican-American Writer

 This book is based on series of what the author (Sandra Cisneros) would call her “lazy poems” vignettes. This book takes place in a crowded Latino neighborhood in Chicago, in Mango Street. The house where Esperanza’s family moved recently was a huge

improvement from their las apartment. But, even though, it still wasn’t what Esperanza has dreamed of. The book was very descriptive with any situation, it also expressed Esperanza’s thoughts smoothly, in order for the reader to be able to understand. Esperanza’s all time dream has been to live in a house where everything functions properly, or a “good looking house”. But, it turned out not even close to what she wanted, it’s not like she has a choice. It narrates Esperanza’s life journey in Chicago, and how she survives that neighborhood. Esperanza ended up fitting

pretty well in the neighborhood, it slightly change her way of being. Esperanza is able to experience new things, for example dancing with her uncle without caring about her insecurities (in this case her chanclas, that she hated). And also when she goes around the town asking everyone if they like her shoes, because in the end she wouldn’t really care if they did like them or didn’t. She made it pretty clear that she wouldn’t wear any other type of shoe that wasn’t that one. Esperanza also has some trouble being harassed by older men, which made her slightly uncomfortable, but surprisingly didn’t speak about it much, which gave the reader curiosity.





Mr. Michael J. Fox Speech

Parkinson's Disease


Mr. Michael J. Fox was diagnosed with Parkinson's disease. The disease has caused some changes in Mr. Michael J. Fox. An acknowledgement directed to Mr. Chairman , Senator Harking, and members of the Subcommittee.


Mr. Michael J. Fox has been a successful actor for many years. Has worked in many movies like: "Back to the future" and "Spin City". He was diagnosed with Parkinson's disease at the age of 30.  It focuses a lot of public attention on it, and has the public understanding of the need for doing whatever we can as a country to conquer this disease. Mr. Michael J. Fox thanks them for inviting him to testify about the need for a greater federal investment in Parkinson's research.


 How familiar they are with working on films and television. His experience with Parkinson disease for many years. He kept his life changes to himself


Most of you are familiar with me from 29 years of work in film and television. When Mr. Michael J. Fox first spoke publicly about his 8 years of experience as a person, any people were surprised for his age.  He also got to hide the symptoms very well because of the strong medication. His life changes were profound and progressive. He kept them to himself because of fear. He thought it was better for him to quietly "soldier on".


 Mr. Michael J. Fox shared his story and was surprised by the responses. What he understood that the time for quietly "soldiering on" is .


 The responses were overwhelming, humbling, and deeply, inspiring. The war against Parkinson's is a winnable war, and I am resolved to play a role in that victory.  Mr. Michael J. Fox describes what opportunities celebrity gave him and what he is able to do. 1 million Americans with Parkinson's disease are fighting to beat this disease. Parkinson's disease is a full time work that requires a lot of patience and medicines. People that live with Parkinson', their status quo isn't good enough.  At present, Parkinson's is inadequately funded.  Consequences of an adequate investments


 It won't happen until Congress adequately funds Parkinson's research.  Celebrity gave him the opportunity to raise the visibility of Parkinson's disease and focus more attention on the desperate need for more research dollars. He is also able to continue doing what he loves most, live his life. Too little medicine causes tremors and stiffness. But, too much medicine produces uncontrollable movement and slurring. Patients need to wait for the medicines to kick in.  Mr. Michael J. Fox became hopeful that he wouldn't face any terrible suffering. Meager funding means a continued lack of effective treatments and slow progresses in understanding the cause of the disease. There is more hope. Scientists are learning more and more of the disease, Scientists believe that with a significant investment in Parkinson's research new discoveries are improved. Scientists now believe that the cure is possible.


Mr. Chairman improvements that he and the subcommittee had done. The support to double medical research funding. Parkinson's research agenda that will make Parkinson's nothing more than a footnote in medical textbooks.  They have done so much to increase the investment in medical research in this country. They want to increase funding for Parkinson's research by $75 million over current levels for the coming fiscal year. Mr. Michael J Fox shares that because of the daily medication and selective exertion, he can still perform his job in a very public arena, he can still help with the daily tasks at home. But still he knows his reality to the fact that he lives with a disease that still doesn't have a cure.


How Private Is Your Life?

By Andrea Rock

In this magazine article, the author keeps a diary of a single, typical day. She wants to see how often during the day her activities result in an invasion of privacy. She uses her discount card at the supermarket and finds out that it allows retailers to track her purchases. She pays a toll with her E-Z Pass and realizes that it allows a record to be kept of her travels. She notices video cameras at street corners filming everyone who passes by. Then she thinks about the private information that is made available every time she uses the Internet on her computer or calls a friend on her cell phone.